About Me
Front-End Web Developer • Content Writer • UX Designer • Project Manager • Educator
Based in Seattle, WA, I have a well-rounded education with a certificate in Front-End UX Design & Development, along with a Masters in Education, a Bachelors in Communication and an Associates in Visual Design. Professionally, I have worked for Microsoft, Code Fellows, University of Washington, The Creative Group, and a Bingo Hall, among a few others. I love learning, working in collaborative environments, problem-solving and managing dynamic projects. I have a passion for exploring what's possible!
Skills & Education
This article by Brad Frost, defining a Frontend Designer/Developer does a much better job capturing my skillset than any list of skills I could provide.
- CSS / Sass
- JavaScript
- UX Design
- Content Writing
- Project Management
![Code Fellows logo](img/codefellowsLogo.png)
![SU logo](img/SUlogo.jpg)
![WMU logo](img/wmu-logo.jpg)
![GRCC logo](img/grcc-logo.jpg)
Microsoft Edge Developer's Guide
Authoring and updating content for Microsoft Edge browser support standards, including HTML5 elements/attributes, CSS properties/pseudo-classes, Accessibility, Performance APIs, Real-time Communication, Security, Storage, Geolocation, Graphics, etc. Performed testing, wrote sample code, created demos, and confirmed alignment with specifications.
See the Code Site Coming Soon -
Brand Living Style Guide
A library of modular UI components constructed to make color, font, grid, or sizing changes throughout the entire site as simple as updating a single variable. Semantic naming conventions and ARIA make styles easy to find and customize. Constructed in a NodeJS / Express MVC framework using Jade, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, and D3 (for graphing).
See the Code See the Process -
A Microsoft.com feature section with the purpose of telling cross product integration stories of customers using Microsoft technology. Constructed using Visual Studio, HTML5/CSS3, jQuery, a variety of JS libraries, an ASP.NET MVC with a C# Controller, and integrating with a CMS (Compass).
F12 Developer Tools Guide
Authored and updated documentation (including testing and code samples) for the recently open-sourced Microsoft Edge F12 tool documentation. Also produced and promoted developer support content, including videos and how-to animated gifs, checkout F12 on twitter.
Microsoft Surface: Switch Campaign
While I did not principally build this site, I contributed to routing content, built UI components and applied Resx Resource files to aid in the process of localizing content for global markets.
See the Code See the Process -
Check out some of my pens -- primarily used for testing during the authoring of the Microsoft Edge Developer Guide, but also including a variety of prototypes, experiments, and forked favorites that I've been learning from.
See the CodePens -
InstaPitch: Code Fellows Project Week
App to help job seekers at Code Fellows craft and practice a pitch that highlights their unique skills. Constructed in 4 days by a 4 person team utilizing UX principles, Kanban, Angular.js framework, authentication and authorization controlling a MongoDB on the backend.
See the Code See the Process -
CoolDad App (In-Progress)
A mobile app, intended to be viewed on a mobile device (not optimized for desktop), designed as a minimum-viable-product prototype to draw interest and explore possible tools and features. Built with Ionic / Angular / Cordova with the intention of future native iOS, Android, Win10 functionality.
See the Code
See the Pen CSS Transition Experiments by Matt Wojciakowski (@mattwojo) on CodePen.